Adding a little fall
I took advantage of a beautiful fall afternoon and added some fall touches to my front porch. I love fall colors and that little nip to the air.
The only things I bought were the mums and pansies, everthing else was things I have had from the past couple of years and a few of the metal sighns were bought on clearance sale last year after Halloween.
I bought the red mums from my nephews who where saling them for their school.
I picked up a flat of pansies that were on sale for $1.25 at lowes .
This is one of my favorites I picked up a metal holder for a waterhose for $1.00 at a yard sale, took some old pieces of scrap burlap stuffed the bottom with old bags to fill it up. I had the flowers on hand but picked up some grassy looking things on one of our walks on the side of the road. I had picked up a piece of metal at a local antique store and thought I would ad it to thee look. Loving how it turned out.